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Aemilia Ars [1898-1904. Italy. Arts and Crafts Society]


Aemilia Ars was a short-lived arts and craft society founded in Bologna, Italy in 1898 by Count Francesco Cavazza, the architectural restorer Alfonso Rubbiani (1848-1913,) and others. The intention of Aemilia Ars was to "secure the improvement, with regard to their art and their practicalness, of those artistic and decorative industries which have to do with the fitting-tip of the home. It hopes also to increase the artistic and industrial produce and work of the Province [of Bologna], to the advantage of the artists and art workers. The ‘Aemilia Ars’ prepares designs and models of artistic value (for furniture, stuffs, porcelain, iron-work, bronze, silver, embroidery, etc.), which may be had as copies by the workers of the Province." [Quoted in ‘The Studio’ August 1903 (pp.226-227).

Aemilia Ars took as its inspiration the social and aesthetic ideals of William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement in England. The society participated in the Esposizione Internationale d’Arte Decorativa Moderna in Turin in 1902

Aemilia Ars was liquidated in January 1904, however, with financial assistance from Lina Bianconcini Cavazza and Carmelita Zucchini, the lace and embroidery side of the enterprise continued until 1936.


1. Bernardini, Carla. Aemilia Ars 1898-1903. Arts & Crafts a Bologna Bologna, Italy: A+G Edizioni, 2001

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