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Acerbo, Manfredo (’Manfredo’) [1913-1989. Italy. Poster Designer/Illustrator/Painter]


Manfredo Acerbo [commonly known as Manfredo] was born in Pescara, Italy, on 27 September 1913. He attended to Liceo Artistico in Rome and subsequently worked as a religious painter, illustrator. and poster artist. During the 1950’s and 1960s he designed posters for films including ‘Dove la Terra Scotta’ and ‘Il Mulino del Po’, etc. A poster designed by Acerbo for the film ‘Il Marchio dell’Odio’ (1962) is illustrated in ‘Catalogo Bolaffi del Manifesto Italiano. Dizionario degli Illustratori’ (Turin: Giulio Bolaffi Editore, 1995) p.1. In 1954 he won the Spiga-Cambellotti prize for film poster designer of the year. Over 500 by Acerbo have been donated to the Università di Parma. He died in Rome in 1989.


1. Casella, Alberto; Morelli, Paola; and Cicolini, Marco. Catalogo Bolaffi del manifesti Italiano: dizionario degli illustratori. Turin, Italy: Giulio Bolaffi Editore, 1995